Your Italian citizenship is closer than you think!

Buy the +SCARPELLI e-learning course, the most complete course in the WORLD about Italian citizenship. Learn absolutely everything about it and reclaim your family origins, all in accordance with the law.


Get your Italian citizenship NOW



By CLAIMING your Italian citizenship, you have access to all the public services available to all European citizens: health system, education, employment, easy mobility, etc.


Who has the right to claim?

Everyone from anywhere in the WORLD, who have Italian ancestry, without generational limit, have the right to claim the cizitizenship.


Reclaim your Italian origins

By CLAIMING your Italian citizenship IURE SANGUINIS, you not only improve your life, but also reclaim the Italian origins of your family, honouring the history of your ancestors.


Become an european citizen!

Getting your Italian citizenship iure sanguinis brings with it a series of rights, one of the main ones being obtaining EUROPEAN citizenship. Thus, those who have Italian citizenship can live in any country of the European Union easily. Their spouse and children also earn this right.

Seize this opportunity NOW


A better future for your children

Your children automatically become Italian citizens. They will therefore be able to study at any university in any country in the European Union. They can also work in Europe and earn money in EUROS!


What are you waiting for?
Make your dream come true!

Claim NOW your Italian origins!

Buy the course NOW

Avv. Luiz Scarpelli (Lawyer)

Founder of Studio Legale Avv Luiz Scarpelli, based in Firenze, Tuscany, has already accomplished the dream of more than 1000 Italian-descendants. With more than 5000 active customers, who are living in 32 countries, with ongoing legal proceedings, Dott. Scarpelli is one of the world's leading experts in Italian citizenship.


Some testimonials from students and customers
(in Portuguese)

Follow Avv. Luiz Scarpelli (Lawyer) on the social networks
and visit out website


Hire Avv. Luiz Scarpelli (Lawyer) for the legal process in Italy

When you buy the +SCARPELLI e-learning course, you automatically get a legal consultation with Avv. Luiz Scarpelli to start making your and your family's dream come true, 100% in accordance to the law.

Contact Avv. Luiz Scarpelli NOW

8 years of PROVEN experience

Founder of Studio Legale Avv. Luiz Scarpelli, creator of the +SCARPELLI e-learning course, creator and ambassador of the #correntedobem in Italian citizenship, with more than 5,000 clients and 15,000 followers, has already fulfilled the dream and guided thousands of people for free. Come and join our community #correntedobem and make your dream come true, with one of the world's leading experts in Italian citizenship.


Happy customers


Claimed citizenships


Legal victories


Guided people